Sometimes, you just get an ingredient that you have no idea what it is or what you do with it, in this case, LAVERBREAD, an odd paste made from seaweed.
This recipe will only feed yourself - double up or whatever for multiple people.
You need per person:
120g tinned Laverbread
30g Oatmeal
Some goddamn streaky bacon - however much you like because bacon is DELICIOUS
Step 1
Mix the Laverbread and the Oatmeal up!
Step 2
Shape the mixture into three 2-inch wide cakes, like fish cakes
Step 3
Now fry up that bacon - keep the fat in the pan when you're done, don't wash it away!
Step 4
Use that fat left over from frying the bacon to fry the cakes! For the purpose of delicious.
Fry them for 3 minutes each, patting them to keep them in shape, occasionally turning them.
Step 5
Look at this thing. It is wonderful. Their flavours compliment each other well, so have them together. Put each of the tasty things in the same bite and you will not regret it.
Well whaddya know. It worked a treat. It's filling, and interesting. But the Laverbread isn't very common, and isn't cheap for a one-person meal. Eh, whatever. It's something that was made and was delicious.
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