Tuesday 14 September 2010

Spiced Potato Wedges and Burger Stew

Greeting readers!

Welcome to the first installment of the DELICIOUS TASTY EXPERIENCE.

First, let us introduce ourselves.

We are university students that discovered an affinity for the creation of wonderful deliciousness out of next to no ingredients and are willing to share our discoveries with the world!

Let it begin!

For this recipe you will need the following:

5 small potatoes
Various herbs and spices
Cooking oil
Gravy granules
3-4 medium size burgers (or two large)


1: Peel and chop the potatoes into wedges, lightly coat with the oil and apply the herbs and spices to taste

2: Place into a preheated oven at 200*C and bake for 20-25 minutes

3: Half way through the baking time remove and turn the wedges, at this point its time to begin the burger stew!

(sorry for the picture quality)

4: Bring to the boil a saucepan full of water then add the gravy granules to taste and thickness desired (although its recommended to leave it thinner than you usually would as it will thicken with the burger juices).

5: Once boiling, dice the burgers into reasonable chunks and add to the gravy broth, keep it on the heat till the burgers are cooked through, this wont take more than about 10 minutes which should be right about when the wedges are coming out of the oven

6: Final stage! Apply burger stew to wedges and enjoy!

(We assure you it tastes a lot better than it looks!)


Our tastiness rating for this meal: 8.8/10 DELICIOUS POINTS

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